The benefits of belly massage

I was nothing short of amazed when I did my Arvigo Maya massage training at how such a simple thing (massaging the abdomen) could be so powerful.
When you book a 1:1 session with me, I will teach you how to do a Maya self care womb massage. I love empowering women to literally take their health and wombs into their own hands!
Here are just a few of the many benefits, and why you should learn how to do self care massage.
- Working the uterine area helps to reposition a backward tilting womb or one that is leaning to the left or right
- Helps with circulation to the womb and encourages the womb to cleanse itself of old and stagnant blood and tissue
- Working the uterine area will help to break down the scar tissue associated with endometriosis, C-section scars and PCOS
- Working the abdomen really does help ease digestive dysfunction by improving blood and lymph flow
- Working the area stimulates the liver to detox and release “old” oestrogen and encourages the “hormone feedback loop”
- Working the abdomen helps to balance constipation by encouraging peristaltic motion – in this way it can help with “loose” bowels too
- As part of the treatment you will be shown a self-massage routine